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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Got distracted this evening when I found these models of powerline towers. Although totally not the intention when I started making these camera path splines, but I just realised how much more I can do with these things. It is very usefull for creating ropes and cables as it turns out. there is always more to do.... Powerlines
  2. In one of Steams guidelines to ofline play it says to run the game/application at least once when you have an internet connection. after that it can be run in ofline mode.
  3. Simplest solution: use the same script again on a trigger placed after player goes trough the opened door. But instead of calling the Open function, call the close function. Now the player has no means of opening the door again .
  4. A very basic version where a door is opened as soon as anything hits the collision trigger: Script.door = nil --Entity "Door" function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if self.door ~= nil then self.door.script:Open() end end And one, where the colliding entity needs to have the name 'player' for the trigger to work. Script.door = nil --Entity "Door" function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if entity:GetKeyValue("name") == "player" then if self.door ~= nil then self.door.script:Open() end end end
  5. Ohh that is nice. Which kinect version are you using?
  6. Do you want to use the Flowgraph editor or just via code? Should the door close after you are no longer in the trigger?
  7. Splines are coming along nicely. How great would it be to have this in-editor!
  8. *sigh. stupid formatting is gone again. Found the solution: You can test it with this script. Make a new scene. Add this script to a directional light or object. Press H, nothing happens. Press Q, and you will see that the system print from the H if statement is triggered too. Now add the flushkeys on main.lua Now run again press Q, only the message from the Q if statement is shown Press H and only now the message from H is shown Script.enabled = false function Script:UpdateWorld() local window = Window:GetCurrent() if window:KeyHit(Key.Q) then System:Print("h key testing enabled") self.enabled = true end if self.enabled then if window:KeyHit(Key.H) then System:Print("hello") end end end And the flushkeys needs to be between the main loop world update en world render. world:Update() window:FlushKeys() world:Render()
  9. Yeah thats another caveat, once you used the keyfunction in 1 script, you can't use it again in another script in the same update. But that is currently not the issue I believe.
  10. I would put it in the main.lua loop and not in an entity script. Somewhere at the end of the loop so you know that all updateworld and updatephysics already have taken place.
  11. Sound like your keys are stored untill usage. You probably just have to use flush keys: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/window/windowflushkeys-r903
  12. Surprisingly, shift + home or Shift + end, does select the entire line.
  13. Do you happen to have a link? I would love to see a possible conection to other editors. We can help Josh and the community this way.
  14. First off I have been using Leadwerks for many years, using both Lua and C++. Many video tutorials were made using the integrated script editor. Till this day I find the scripting editor one of the biggest weaknesses of Leadwerks. As a matter of fact I prefer using Notepad++ or Visual studio code. Both are free, crossplatform and come with great working lua extensions that make life a little easier. Biggest downside to those editors: the absence of any debugging options. The integrated editor (custom build of scintilla/Scite I assume, correct me if I am wrong.) has some annoying downsides that make usage cringeworthy: Auto line indention of lines seem to fail most of the time. Pretty much every new line starts at the beggining of the line rather then adding tabs or indention. The amount of time lost on correctly positioning the cursor is insane and the biggest frustration on my end. Absence of Ctrl + arrow to jump between words: jumping between words using the control + arrow keys does not work. This even works in non code editor programs like word or even when typing in a url in the browser. Absence of copy line functionality: Granted, the shortcut key is different for every IDE, but the prinicipal is the same: when the shortcut is pressed, the current line the cursor is on, is copied to the line below. (Visual studio has ctrl + c, Notepad has control + d) Another point that is not working properly is the removal or saving of break points. Sometimes the debugger stops at break points that are no longer there. The ability to turn of 'show editor' on front when the Leadwerks editor becomes acticve. If I use the integrated editor, I moves it to my second screen (Leadwerks editor stays on the first screen). When I look up something in a webbrowser and switch back to the LE editor, the script editor also becomes active. This is more often than not, unwanted behaviour. A checkbox in the editor options would be nice a nice to have. These 4 alone cause many annoyances in my work process. Even though I use external editors for most of the typing, when it comes to debugging, I have to switch to the integrated editor. As a side note some remarks on more 'luxurious' script editor options: Maybe this is a personal thing but the autocompletion often not accepts the spacebar to except the highlighted word. Instead you have to press enter for it to work. Maybe this is something I can address in a settng somewhere, but it feels not as great as the autocompletion options in other IDE's. What are your experiences with the integrated script editor?
  15. Josh already tried to do this once but hit some obstacles. As other tasks had higher priority, it was set aside for now. Maybe when the new UI is created and perhaps some documentation is revamped, visual studio 2015 support might come as well.
  16. I would love to work on a larger project in Leadwerks again, but time is not really on my side right now. I am in the middle of moving to a new house. However, after settling I would love to start a new project again. We would require 1 or more artists as well though. If you are interested I will PM you some details.
  17. Hi Wolfgang, Yes you should be proud! Even with the right tools, it is really difficult to make a game. Especially when you are a starter. But your motivation seems to be really good and that helps a lot in finishing a project. But like you said, you have gotten really far already. Will check out the project somewhere this week. Keep on learning, making and above all: having fun.
  18. I might be running in to a similar problem only using Lua. I'll wait and see if this issue gets resolved to see if it fixes my problem to.
  19. I have reuploaded the zip. The clr file is in the zip and can be placed in C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Leadwerks\UI oftopic: faultyy zip might be because of the error I received on the forum. That seems to happen now and then.
  20. When I use dark theme the window bars stay white. As a matter of fact, the windows dark theme setting doesn't affect the any of the colors in Leadwerks at all. All the dark colors you see in the screenshot from the first post are from the color settings in Leadwerks itself. High contrast options look really ugly in my opinion I am more trying to get the result as in visual studio dark theme.
  21. In visual studio and visual studio code I like to use the dark theme. In the leadwerks script editor I can do a similar thing for most of the things but not the titlebars. Is this possible to do somewhere?Attached is the style I am using btw. DartkThemeLeadwerks.zip
  22. Using bitbucket as a repo in combination with mercurial or GIT and a tool like workbench,SourceTree or Git extensions.
  23. This video demonstrates the usage of straight lines. They can be used for camera paths, camera on rails, Vr camera on rails, rollercoasters, factory production lines, Transitional animation between 2 objects. In the next video I will show how I make curved splines.
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