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Everything posted by DigitalHax

  1. Maybe you could do a similar thing to make the blast wave, with a white transparent (squashed) sphere that quickly expands so it is like a disc. That would be one way to do it.
  2. Anyway, jokes aside, that's great! I joined here recently, and I found it to be a great place to learn. Be sure to take a look at the showcase forums and the portal.
  3. You can add lights via the object menu. Just look through all the folders. What language are you using? If you are using lua, go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC272E30DD2883EC3&feature=view_all Else you can find things in the documentation & wiki. I recommend using the project builder.
  4. I'll try that. I also want to have a spot to fit in my main code, so it disables all the control also. Not so sure about that part
  5. Hey, I have been setting up a menu system, but and I want the mouse to dissapear when you hit esc. But I tried to refine my code, but in my code the mouse flickers and doesn't work. The basic concept of my code is, //Main Loop { If(menval == 0 { if keyhit esc { menval = 1 Menu = 1 } } else { If keyhit esc { Menval = 0 menu = 0 } if menu = 0 { //main code Hide the mouse } else { //menu code Show the mouse } } I hope someone understands what I'm doing wrong...
  6. Be really interested in using something like this in my game in progress... Any chance of a release soon? Or at least a demo?
  7. I find it useful of how easy the coding is. If you want to code a simple part to your game, you don't have to go through 20 files and add masses of code. You can start from absolute scratch if you want. Another good thing is that its small, in a good way. You want an answer to a question, you can get a rensponse from the CEO. Direct problem solving. And the asset store is very helpful. Most things people make on here are small, but may contain something you might want in your project. If you ask nicely and don't annoy people, your gonna get help. It all just depends on what you want to do. But I personally think LE is just as good, (maybe better) than all the other big game engines.
  8. Particles with over time texturing. eg red,blue,green etc
  9. Thanks Ken, I had the idea of possibly making my own sort of GUI in the first place, but I guess that is the sort of concept code I needed to get started. But thanks to everyone! I guess I just had no idea about how easy it could be to make something like this.
  10. Ok... Now how would you create something like buttons?
  11. Hey all, I have started some minor milestone development (Using vanilla C++) in which I have made a simple menu system where upon hitting escape, the mouse appears, and the control stops. I want to have some GUI (maybe a few buttons) appear. Now I don't know much on this topic, but I want people's opinion on it. What is the best gui for Leadwerks? Thanks in advance...
  12. I was wondering how someone would go about packing things into password files. If I were to load all map files (models etc) into a packaged file would they still be able to access each other, and would I be able to put scripting in there and still have everything load perfectly? I am just not sure and want some clarification. Thanks in advance.
  13. One way to do it is code a physical object using something similar to the bullet code, and set a range to how far it can go before deleting itself. Or. You could use some of the ways you described. You would have to have already made your own hp/damage system regardless, but I am not overly sure.
  14. Yeah well I'm just lucky I know a guy with 3ds max...
  15. I have recently tried exporting a model to leadwerks via the 3ds max tools, and it is encountering an error. I am using max 2012, the model works fine, but I just don't know what I should do. I could always use blender for small precision modeling, it's just I just spend about 250 for leadwerks and I am not to keen on spending more for UU3D pro. What do you all think? Thanks.
  16. But as some people have done, you can make your own interface, or any other tool so assist you personally, but no, you can sell it off.
  17. It's really great to see things such as this being made at such speed!
  18. Wow. Looks like you have been busy...
  19. um they dont include framework tutorials...
  20. Any particular place I can read up about using it? Or any good examples?
  21. Does anyone think I should use the framework? I've heard it makes life a lot easier, and it should work almost 100% What does everyone think?
  22. Ah well I seemed to finally get a post processing basis working I guess I just needed to keep trying. But thanks for everything. I really like all the support you have been giving me!
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