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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. This engine is pretty programmer-centric and anybody would have been able to tell you that. It suits me much better than Unity which definately caters to designers and I can fully understand how some people feel better in such an environment. What do you mean by 3D artist coding though? As far as the upgrade costs, I believe no figures have been dropped because there is no working product yet.
  2. That's pretty sweet (and quite mind bending having never look like anything like it before) Rick. CEGUI has a built-in Lua interpreter so I can already do that, my main concern was calling a Lua script from C++ that is not an entity script. I want to do as little as possible in C++ unless it is absolutely required. The main loop would look like this: while (!AppTerminate()) { UpdateFramework(); // Run game.lua (facade for all game logic, written as Lua scripts as well. You can compare this with a game logic class' Update() method) RenderFramework(); glPixelStoref(0x806E, 0); glPixelStoref(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glPixelStoref(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); CEGUI::System::getSingleton().renderGUI(); Flip(); } This way I can stricly contain game logic in Lua and keep everything else contained in the C++ binary which is a clean seperation that I like.
  3. Excellent, I'll try that when I get back home tonight. Thanks!
  4. Hi again, I have only been able to try this last night when I found out this command is not included by the standard engine header. Did you inlcude the Lua headers for this Rick? Thanks!
  5. I believe you can indeed try 3D World Studio for free, but it is a CSG-modeler, not a game engine, i.e. you can't create games with it, you'll need to do the coding yourself.
  6. I agree with Rick, I don't care what physics engine you roll in, as long as it's well documented and stable. I would hate to get stuck with PhysX if you think it won't do Leadwerks any good but implemented it just because people like the shiny logo. I for one am completely impartial to that.
  7. Thanks for the fast replies, that should work perfectly! This is the route I intend to take as well, using the main Lua file. I just needed to setup CEGUI in C++. Otherwise CEGUI supports Lua as well so I hope I don't need to get back to C++ again.
  8. Hi, I have decided to embrace Lua for the sake of getting a game done and stop fussing about proper architecture. To this end, I would like to have an executable similar to the engine-provided executable that just runs start.lua. With a twist. I would like to use CEGUI and I need to bootstrap it to Leadwerks in C++. No problems there, but how do I get Leadwerks to run start.lua similar to what the provided executable does? It seems the Lua API provides a dofile() method but this does not seem to be exposed to the engine. Thanks!
  9. Skyboxes are stored as cubemaps, i.e all six images are stitched together to form a single image. It's possible to extract the six faces from it with the NVIDIA texture tools but you would have to stitch them back together as well before you can use it.
  10. Are you including the windows API yourself? If you are, the ordering is important. I don't remember if you need to include either windows.h or RakNet first though but try both and see what works. Cheers!
  11. What kind of errors are you getting? If you could post the build/link log, we can probably tell what the problem is.
  12. Version 1 of what? It would help if we knew what your idea or requirements are so we can better offer alternate solutions.
  13. Laurens

    Android Progress

    Sweet, this is going places
  14. What's the idea then? I seriously doubt it cannot be done. It might help to get a different perspective.
  15. Hello and welcome! Leadwerks is up to it, I believe Metatron has actually done a quick proof-of-concept of a racing game a while back although I cannot seem to dig it up right now. Do keep in mind that you will have to do nearly all of the programming yourself, even though Leadwerks has built-in support for vehicles. There used to be a driving game included with the evaluation kit but it was updated recently and I'm not sure if its still included but you can always download and find out yourself. Cheers!
  16. Sure, I won't be home until saturday though. I'll dig it up as soon as I get back. It's in C++ but the engine commands are the same, I hope that's ok.
  17. I second Ken's approach. That's how I'm drawing the sort of energy link between power nodes. It's like a laser beam as well, and it doesn't require Framework.
  18. It's already doing that, isn't it? I am not loading any entity or script by hand anyway, and you don't have to either.
  19. It's not like you have to pick one or the other. I have written some code in C++ to bootstrap additional libraries (such as CEGUI) and will probabaly move some CPU-intensive algorithms there as well, but for the most part, I have written everything in Lua because I won't have to wait for long compile times.
  20. Well, appearantly I was missing both lua_d.dll and tolua++_d.dll from my path but I was unable to find any documentation on that. Anyway, now I can hand CEGUI Leadwerks' lua_State but now Leadwerks crashes on running the first script. I guess these two aren't meant to be. I already asked on the CEGUI forum but I'd like to hear from you guys as well, would there be any objection against having multiple Lua states open at the same time?
  21. Well it's compiling now, but it won't run: _ceguiScriptModule = &CEGUI::LuaScriptModule::create(reinterpret_cast<lua_State*> (lua)); I suspect I cannot cast the lua state from Leadwerks and pass it to CEGUI the way I am doing because I do have CEGUILuaScriptModule_d on the path and there seem to be no other scripting-related DLL's in the archive. I've asked on the CEGUI forum what DLL's to actually include so I can rule that out though: http://www.cegui.org.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5794
  22. I've rolled in CEGUI and I don't observe any noticeble difference in FPS even with the most complicated GUI sheets open so I wouldn't worry about it, which I think is good advice in general. Get something working and if its slow, then optimize it later, but preferably don't waste time and bend your back to reinvent the wheel just for the odd single frame you may save.
  23. I have not tried that yet. I suspect that would require me to pull the Lua headers in and I was hoping to avoid yet another complication. If there is no way to get it from Leadwerks I guess I'll give it a go though.
  24. Hi guys, I am trying to get CEGUI to play nice with Leadwerks' already opened Lua state: byte* lua = GetLuaState(); _ceguiScriptModule = CEGUI::LuaScriptModule::create(lua); but this doesn't fly. CEGUI is expecting a lua_State object and not a byte pointer. Is there any way I can get an actual lua_State from Leadwerks? Thanks!
  25. I agree with Game Creator as well, some concise examples demonstrating all the parameters of a specific command without all the initialization fluff that is cluttering some now. Personally I don't really care in what shape or form we will eventually have them, as long as they're thorough and complete.
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