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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. We are not allowed to distribute the tools that come with the SDK. You are probably best of contacting Josh about this.
  2. A date has yet to be established. Rumors talk of late 2011. I don't understand the question, do you mean the maximum amount of polygons? No, but Leadwerks 3 will be substantially cheaper than waiting for its release. No, this is a game engine, not a hacking tool. You could ask someone to do so in the Jobs board. I personally think it looks very good. You can check out the gallery (Community, Gallery) for screenshots of projects using Leadwerks. Cheers!
  3. You might want to take a look at an executable packer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_compression#List_of_packers
  4. Good stuff MG, ran flawlessly
  5. Thought I'd share this bit of code with you I found quite useful. It basically checks if your game has already been started to prevent players from going bananas on your executable. If your game has already been started, it brings it to the front. const bool Application::IsOnlyInstance(const std::string title) const { HANDLE h = CreateMutex(0, true, title.c_str()); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { HWND hWnd = FindWindow(title.c_str(), 0); if (hWnd != 0) { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetFocus(hWnd); SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); SetActiveWindow(hWnd); } return false; } return true; } Title refers to the caption in the window's title bar so you do need to call this after having called SetAppTitle(...). From GameCode: http://code.google.com/p/gamecode3/ Cheers!
  6. Laurens


    Ouch, good point. The last SourceForge upload is even slightly older.
  7. Laurens


    I'm inclined to say yes based on a quick glance over the documentation. It just requires a fair amount of glue to have it play nice with Leadwerks. Is there anything in specific you are stuck with?
  8. I'm an advocate for throwing exceptions in constructors as well. After a constructor has been called, the object should be in a fully usable state and not in some unusable zombie state that requires more methods to be called for proper initialization. A try-catch clause does not result in more code either. More like the same as an if-then-else.
  9. Here's one on NetBeans if you're interested: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/cpp/c-netbeans-and-leadwerks-r53
  10. Yeah but since he expressed a concern regarding loading hundreds of assets beforehand, I think we can safely assume he meant different assets, in which case there is no possible way to properly load them in a separate thread.
  11. You mean someone answered this? I would surely like to know how because as far as I know, you need to include the Lua headers in your application and pass them the state Leadwerks maintains. Last time I checked, there was no built-in command for it.
  12. Multithreading +many. I would love to be able to call on Leadwerks from different threads. Since streaming terrain is on the roadmap I suppose you can't get around it anyway.
  13. I highly recommend getting "Game Coding Complete (Third Edition)". It walks you through creating a tried and true client-server architecture that supports instant replay by routing all game events (move, rotate, fire for example) through a central event manager. It allows you to write all these events to file and replay the game simply by pushing the events from file back into the event manager. DirectX is used as the graphics library so it does require some minor modification building it around Leadwerks but that is no big deal.
  14. Great! Fees aside, would a product created using Leadwerks require you to include any PhysX banners/credit/mention of some sort?
  15. Voted for Bullet because of the same reasons Brent and Lumooja have already pointed out on the condition that the engine will still support the large scenes we can currently have, vegetation-wise. EDIT: Voted before reading the other 3 pages of this thread. I am only OK with PhysX as long as it does not lead to any additional licensing fees, which is not completely clear to me right now. Under what terms is PhysX used in Leadwerks?
  16. I do not remember this being the case when I made this feature request, the 8th of november of last year
  17. If you have an ATI card you can just get the iZ3D drivers.
  18. Not really a feature but I would like to see all functions neatly encapsulated in a namespace. My function names sometimes collide with LE functions.
  19. Whenever a client is authoritative there is going to be cheating so I would avoid it at all cost. For example, mixed mode could easily be cheated by modifying the client to never send the "hit" message. You can solve it quite easily by not using physics and just do simplified calculations by "hand" (which several modern MMO's such as WoW, Lord of the Rings Online and EVE Online seem to do) but Lumooja's solution is of course far more elegant
  20. If you don't call FreeEntity at the end of your program it is not really an issue since the OS will reclaim the memory your game used anyway. If you don't call it when entities go out of scope while your game is still running it will cause memory leaks. Cheers!
  21. If LUA scripting is disabled in the evaluation kit then no, it won't be possible. If it is not bundled with Engine.exe to start a game from scripts, then no, it won't be possible. Leadwerks is worth every penny though, twice. If you are serious about creating a game then I would recommend you purchase the engine. Besides, there is only support for licensees, and it's hard to go without when you're new to the engine Cheers!
  22. I recently came across this article: http://www.ai-blog.net/archives/000178.html
  23. Looks nice. Checked out your website as well and the space flight looks really great although I hope your game will be available in english too. Cheers!
  24. That is an amazing achievement RVL, congratulations! I will pick it up as soon as it's out Cheers!
  25. Funny how people can get a broken link and permission denied mixed up.
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