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Everything posted by codeape

  1. Thank you DerRidda. It worked! The link you posted was not in the KS reward mail but I found the mail after you kindly posted the link. Sorry for late response but I have moved the last couple of weeks =)
  2. Hello community, I finally got around to install my kickstarter reward (PRO level, Standard edition, the c++ one). I followed the link in the email. Installed Leadwerks on my Linux machine and the editor starts (cewl!! awesome!!!). Ok, so far so good. But, have there been any updates to Leadwerks since the release of Linux standard editon of Leadwerks? How do I know I got the latest build/version of Leadwerks installed? How do I get the Latest build/version?
  3. LE 3.1 will not be steam only. Josh is targeting Ubuntu so It will probably be distributed as deb ... hopefully there will be a tar archive also.
  4. Could be useful for someone: http://static.oculusvr.com/sdk-downloads/documents/OculusBestPractices.pdf Example:
  5. Ahhha cool! Thanks for providing fast feedback.
  6. Leadwerks already avoid the validation step, awesome
  7. Read this Nvidia presentation (page 64 - 65, "Porting Source to Linux - Valve’s Lessons Learned"): https://developer.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/akamai/gamedev/docs/Porting%20Source%20to%20Linux.pdf In short : Don't switch out the attachments of your framebuffers. Instead, switch framebuffers. The best explanation I found about this: http://forums.ltheory.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2148#p28788 I do not know if Leadwerks do this but it could be a good optimisation.
  8. One thing that bother me though is why it worked with SetPosition for the box with physics mode CharacterPhysics but not the Mesh figure that also have physics mode CharacterPhysics. However, I have learned a lot though abut Leadwerks.
  9. Thanks, that worked. However, I need to tweek some stuff.
  10. All files are up. Added them to the first post in this thread. Tell me if you need more.
  11. Glyphy, a text renderer implemented using OpenGL ES2 shaders: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/01/15/187216/glyphy-high-quality-glyph-rendering-using-opengl-es2-shaders https://code.google.com/p/glyphy/ Glyphy uploads typeface vectors to the GPU and renders text in real time, performing perspective correct antialiasing. Maybe this could be useful for the Engine Josh.
  12. I may have discovered a thing during browsing my projects directory structure. When I created my project I got a default map called start.map. However I created a new map directly (called test.map) because I wanted to try some things out. However, I ended up creating everything in test.map you see in the YouTube video and the start.map has never been edited. The strange thing is that start.map is 2746 kB big and my test.map is 21 kB. Should my test.map be that small? Is this a problem?
  13. I tried, I do not have permissions for that =( Ok then bug #1 is almost solved. Should not the shape field in the physics tab be updated to cylinder in that case? How about bug #2 where physics does not work for me. Any ideas?
  14. Hello fellow Leadwerkers I have 2 problems: 1. In the editor, I add a box shape to a box and a cylinder shape to a model mesh. I do this with the Physics tab for both visible objects (Scene tab->Physics tab). However, when I enable "VIEW->Show Physics" through the top menu both shapes are shown as cylinders. 2. I have a script that creates a top-down perspective of a "Player" in the game. I place a camera over the head of the player and look down and follow the player with the camera. When I add this script to the earlier mentioned model mesh with the cylinder shape the model can go through walls. However, when I add this script on the earlier mentioned box (removing the script from the mesh model first) everything works fine, the box do not go through walls etc. Both the box and the model mesh have the same physics settings in the "Scene tab->Physics tab" with only one exception, The shape is a box for the box and a cylinder for the Model mesh. Here are the rest of the settings in the "Scene tab->Physics tab": Physics mode: Character Controller Mas: 1.0 Collision type: Character Character angle: 0.0 Swept collision: False Nav obstacle: False TopDownPerson.lua test_map.zip
  15. Learn git or subversion. They are way more flexible and you get to keep the history of what you do and you will also get conflict handling etc.
  16. I got it to work now =) function Script:Start() --Player movement speed self.moveSpeed = 0.2 -- Camera distance from player self.camDist = 10 -- Create camera and position it local camPos = self.entity:GetPosition(true) self.cam = Camera:Create() camPos.y = self.camDist self.cam:Move(camPos) self.cam:SetRotation(90,0,0) end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() -- Player keyboard input local xMod = 0; if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then xMod = 1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed elseif window:KeyDown(Key.A) then xMod = -1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed end local zMod = 0 if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then zMod = 1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed elseif window:KeyDown(Key.S) then zMod = -1 * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed end -- Move player local curr = self.entity:GetPosition(true) curr.x = curr.x + xMod curr.z = curr.z + zMod self.entity:SetPosition(curr, true) -- Move camera curr.y = self.camDist self.cam:SetPosition(curr, true) end I did some other changes. Like not creating my player Entity (a box) in code (for now). And I changed the physics mode to "Character Controller" (the Collition type is "Character" also but I do not think that maters for the problems I had). I also moved all code from App.lua to it's own script that is attached to the player Entity.
  17. Ok, added this to App.lua function App:UpdatePhysics() System:Print("Hook 1") local curr = self.cone:GetPosition(true) curr.y = self.camDist self.cam:SetPosition(curr, true) end According to the Scripts reference: "This function will be called once per physics step." http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/script-reference/ However it looks like it is never called. What am I missing?
  18. Ahhha I probably need to do my things in Entity::UpdatePhysicsHook and Entity::UpdateHook() to get things smooth: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entityupdatephysicshook-r62 How do I set a Hook on a Entity?
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