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Everything posted by drakth

  1. Thanks! I'll try that later.
  2. +1 For C++ templates! Voted for RTS
  3. Hello thanks for your reply Eirik, Yes, i got to the same conclusion, tho i wasn't trying to do a mix of LUA and C++ . I don't think i like much the idea of not being able to choose between C++ or LUA project. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but if i don't want to use LUA i should have to remove all those code thingy about interpreter, right? Yeah the LOOP thing was annoying thats why i figured it was a LUA thingy.
  4. I added the World::Create() but i still get the error (and a black screen), it seems to create the world load textures and stuff but nothing appears on screen, and when pressing escape y get the same error because of the code i added in app:loop() which is weird :-/
  5. Yes, i saw the project folders, and added code to the app.cpp, but still doesn't seem to work. any code after the next block of code doesn't seems to be executed until i close the window. std::string scriptpath = "Scripts/Main.lua"; if (FileSystem::GetFileType("Scripts/App.Lua") == 1) scriptpath = "Scripts/App.Lua"; //Invoke the start script if (!Interpreter::ExecuteFile(scriptpath)) { System::Print("Error: Failed to execute script \"" + scriptpath + "\"."); return false; } This code seems to be something LUA related. From what i see on my old projects this code wasn't there before, so i guess it got added on one of lasts updates, strangely my previous projects works fine, but new ones doesn't. I'm attaching the example and error file. Thank you. Edit: attached the zip file. Nova.zip
  6. Hello everyone, After while i got back with Leadwerks, and i dont know if im doing something wrong or what is happening, but i cant seem to get anything to work with C++ it seems like its only being setup to use LUA. Yes, i have the standard edition I have created an example project (download link below!), it should load the level and have a basic FPS player (hopefully it works since i cant test it!) When i use one of my previous projects it works fine and i can do stuff, but when i started a new project (tried with blank and marble) it only seems to be working for LUA, not C++. Download Link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=614054867A013815!845&authkey=!APfWFon2GrPb4LU&ithint=file%2czip Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Hello everyone! I read about the summer games tounament thingy and decided to try do a small game. So, i started leadwerks and made a new project. From what i read there is no difference now between a C++ or LUA project so, i went to Visual Studio and opened the solution. I saw there are quite several changes from the last time i used it, so i added some code i had from a previous project for a FPS. It compiled ok, but all i see is a black screen. So i went looking in detail at App.cpp Noticed stuff that wasnt there before. From debugging i see the code seems to be using Lua instead of C++??? Yes, i have the standard edition. The code i mention is the following: std::string scriptpath = "Scripts/Main.lua"; if (FileSystem::GetFileType("Scripts/App.Lua") == 1) scriptpath = "Scripts/App.Lua"; //Invoke the start script if (!Interpreter::ExecuteFile(scriptpath)) { System::Print("Error: Failed to execute script \"" + scriptpath + "\"."); return false; } My code is after this part so it only gets executed when exitting the game (?). Should i place the code somewhere else?
  8. drakth


    Hi everyone, Im trying to add a skybox to the default FPSPlayer.lua script. As it says at this webpage: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetskybox-r824 However when i add the line: Texture* skybox = Texture::Load("Materials/Sky/skybox_texture.tex"); It gives me this error: '=' expected near '*' If i remove the * then gives me another error and so on... any help? Thanks. Ok, on the link at my OP, the section of LUA contains C++ code and viceversa. Someone should fix that
  9. Thanks Rick, That fixed the issue. However, i think there is also not working right, with the default weapon prefab. Cause on other project i have, fixing the FPSPlayer script, didnt fix the crash, however as soon as i removed the autopistol prefab it worked fine. Also thanks for the debugging tip. Should i report this on the bug forums?
  10. I tried commenting the create world line but still crashes. I created a new test project, that also seems to crash, i'll attach it in case you want to look at it. It seems to crash on the self.world:clear() but im not sure. http://www.bitperdido.com/TestLevelChange.zip Thanks.
  11. This is the content of app.lua: --This function will be called once when the program starts function App:Start() --Set the application title self.title="MyGame" --Create a window self.window=Window:Create(self.title) self.window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context self.context=Context:Create(self.window,0) if self.context==nil then return false end --Create a world self.world=World:Create() --Load a map --local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map") self.mapFile = "Maps/start.map" if Map:Load(self.mapFile)==false then return false end self.mapFile = "" return true end function App:SwitchLevel(name) self.mapFile = name end function App:ShouldSwitchLevel() if self.mapFile ~= "" then --self.world:Release() self.world:Clear() self.world = World:Create() Map:Load(self.mapFile) self.mapFile = "" end end --This is our main program loop and will be called continuously until the program ends function App:Loop() self:ShouldSwitchLevel() --If window has been closed, end the program if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world self.world:Update() --Render the world self.world:Render() --Render statistics self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then self.context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) self.context:DrawText("Debug Mode",2,2) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawStats(2,22) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) end --Refresh the screen self.context:Sync(false) --Returning true tells the main program to keep looping return true end I tried loading the 2nd level instead of the 1st one, and it loads fine, it seems to crash when called from the script. The second level is just a platform with a another object where you can collide and will take you again to the first level. Thanks.
  12. Thanks Rick, That indeed solved the loading level issue (replacing the app.lua). However now when the new level loads the game just crashes with a "Stopped working" error :-/
  13. Hi everyone, I recently updated a test project on the Project Manager (update button) and suddently a lua script stopped working. The script is supposed to load another level when the player collides with an object. Here is the script: Script.entered = false Script.exited = false Script.hadCollision = false; Script.Map = "" --Path function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.entered then if self.hadCollision == false then if self.exited == false then self.exited = true self.component:CallOutputs("TriggerExit") self.entered = false end end end self.hadCollision = false end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) self.hadCollision = true if self.entered == false then self.component:CallOutputs("TriggerEnter") App:SwitchLevel(self.Map) self.entered = true self.exited = false end end The script seems to fail at the line: App:SwitchLevel(self.Map) With the error Attempt to call method 'SwitchLevel' (a nil value) Any ideas? Thanks.
  14. Thanks! i'll take a look at it
  15. I got the DLC from steam to the standard version, and noticed some things. 1) When making a C++ project the maps doesnt automatically load for me when i open the project, it does if it is a LUA project. 2) I tried the basic FPS Controller on the C++ project but all it does is move like a freecam (i might be doing something wrong here), it works fine in a LUA project. Am i doing something wrong?
  16. It would be nice to have a "turret" tutorial, what i mean is like a turret that turns and shots at any nearby enemy that passes by.
  17. Hi Rick! Yes, it seems the start() function isnt called again, i called the start() function in the Draw() (Probably not a good thing) and it fixed the error. I discovered by pure chance what you just told me about the prefab , i just set it to hidden, one question tho, if i set it to hidden i suppose it cant be pushed? Now the doubt i have is, i dont want the object appearing at <0,0,0> when i load it, but then im not sure how to fix that, cause if i move it after its created, the player might see as its created and moved. Any help would be appreciated, and im looking forward to your tutorial!
  18. The script that generates the error is the standard monsterai script. I'll take a look at the Copy() and see if i can figure it out. Thank you both!
  19. Hi everyone, So, im still doing some prototypes, playing with stuff and testing how everything works. The idea was to have a switch that when triggered it would spawn a monster, so far that parts works well, (and if i manage to fix all the issues im having i'll post it on the tutorials thread), the problems im having are 2 basically. 1) When i press the trigger, the monster spawns but it doesnt appear where the object with the spawner script is, it appears somewhere else on the scene, the monster is a crawler i saved as prefab. 2) When i spawn a second monster i get an error (see attached files) I also notice a delay (probably the models loading) when the monster spawns but this delay makes the whole game freeze while it loads, is there a way to "preload" the models and stuff or some other way to avoid this "delay"? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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