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Perpetually rotating hinge.


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How would I go about setting up a perpetually rotating hinge joint?

Once its reaches the SetAngle value, it will stop and I have no clue how to cleanly reset it without interrupting the process. The dirty way is to use GetAngle to capture the value just as it nears the SteAngle value and add a ton more to the SetAngle value and just add some more on top but that will break eventually as the numerical value reaches the maximum for floats.


Which might take a ton of time but I truly hate conceptually broken code.


Anyone got any ideas?


Script.pin = Vec3(0,0,1) --Vec3 "Hinge Pin"
Script.limitsenabled=false--bool "Enable limits"
Script.limits = Vec2(-45,45) --Vec2 "Limits"
Script.parent= nil --entity "Parent entity"

function Script:Start()
startrotation = self.entity:GetRotation()

local pos = self.entity:GetPosition()
local parent_pos = self.parent:GetPosition()
local abs_pos = pos + parent_pos
self.joint = Joint:Hinge(abs_pos.x, abs_pos.y, abs_pos.z, self.pin.x, self.pin.y, self.pin.z, self.entity, self.parent)
if self.limitsenabled then self.joint:EnableLimits() end

function Script:UpdateWorld()
--feed me! 

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