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changing pivot point


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In other 3D application and engines, there is an option to change pivot point from element to world - a functionality that I think is fundamental. In Blender in particular, you get the option to rotate around individual origins, which leadwerks seems to have, median point, which leadwerks doesn't have but I think should, and several others like active element and cursor, that Leadwerks doesn't have. Most of those are unnecessary, but I think Leadwerk's should at least have median point *or* world center so we can rotate or scale objects in unison together. This is especially nice if you have already scaled things and have them in an orientation you like, but just want to rotate them together a little. As it is now, we must rotate them all around individual origins and then replace them. If you have a lot of objects, or have textures baked with shadow maps, it can be very difficult to do, and kills lots of time.


Thanks for your time.

Running on:


Microsoft 8 64-bit

10 gigs RAM

Nvidia Geforce GTX 660

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