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Prefabs loaded via script not appearing


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Note: I'm very new to Leadwerks, so most likely I'm missing something obvious.


I've created a 512x512 floor block and I'm trying to load a 4x4 square of them with the following code:

--Dynamically create some dungeon geometry:
System:Print("loading dynamic floor")
self.floors = {}
for i = 1, 4 do
for j = 1, 4 do
floor = Prefab:Load("Prefabs/Tinyboss/floor2.pfb")
table.insert(self.floors, floor)
floor:SetPosition(2048+512*i, 0, 512*j)
System:Print(floor:GetPosition().x.." "..floor:GetPosition().y.." "..floor:GetPosition().z)
self.FirstTime = false


(I put it at the end of the App:Start function in app.lua. I also tried running it once in the App:Loop function, but that didn't help.)


When I run with F6, I see all the stuff that I've added in the editor, but none of the dynamically loaded floor tiles show up. I can tell from the print statements that entities are getting loaded and their positions are being set, but I don't see any of them.


Is there something else I need to do to add them to the current scene, or something else I'm missing here? Thanks!

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