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ForEachEntityInAABBDo to find entities


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I have several entities that I'm trying to get a reference to a bunch of entities to be able to spawn copies of them.


All my entities are at the same location. (-100, -100, -100).


My code is as follows


function ParseWorldItemsCallback(entity, extra)
local name = entity:GetKeyValue("name")

function ParseWorldItems()
local aabb = AABB(-101, -101, -101, -99, -99, -99)

local world = World:GetCurrent();
world:ForEachEntityInAABBDo(aabb, "ParseWorldItemsCallback", nil);

My problem is that the name of the entity is empty string "".


Am I using ForEachEntityInAABBDo wrong? Or is there something wrong with how I'm getting the entity name?




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Sorry my mistake, I was messing around with that to see if it was the AABB that was the problem. I changed the code back to had I first had it. That doesn't change the entity name problem I am having.


Both versions get entities passed to the callback. The problem is their name is empty.

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The easier and less costly way is to make a table of prefabs, ie. PreFab{}, and then place a dummy of each in a distant place on the map with the editor to preload them at start. when you want one to be called (copied) just use the PreFab:Load(). this also lets you randomize spawns. If you have 5 zombie models you can call a math:random(1,5) and pass that as the table position and randomly pick the prefab to add some coolness. I have done this for mobs as well as items for drops before. It looks like this assuming you have populated a PreFab table with paths to the entities you want to spawn.


local random = math(1,5)

local spawn = PreFab:Load(PreFab[random])





you could copy the entity but if something happens to your master the copy will be messed up. with the preload you don't have that issue because you are making a fresh one when you need it but all the assets are already in memory because of the dummies.

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