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Accessing objects in editor from C++ code


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Hello guys!

I am newbie in this Engine. I would like to ask you for help.


I set up small scene with editor where I put a camera and crawler. I have already done couple of tutorials of changing it run-time (and creating it actually runtime). But what if I want to manipulate with objects which I put on editor?


How do I do it?

And if you provide some links to resources where I can learn it deeply I would really appreciate it.

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To use C++ you should open Projects\Windows\<your projectname>.sln in Visual Studio and compile.

If you don't want Main.Lua to be executed you can go for a more clean approach and replace main.cpp

with something like this


#include "Leadwerks.h"
#include <sstream>

using namespace Leadwerks;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
   // Initialize Steamworks (optional)
   // Steamworks::Initialize();

   // Create the app window
   Window* window = Window::Create("My Game", 0, 0, 1024, 768, Window::Titlebar);

   // and some context to draw on
   Context* context = Context::Create(window, 0);
   if (context == nullptr)
       return 1;

   // The world containg all objects
   World* world = World::Create();

   // Load a map into the world
   if (!Map::Load( "Maps/start.map" )
       return 2;

   // Loop until window is closed or user presses ESCAPE
   bool showstats = false;
   while (!window->KeyDown(Key::Escape) && !window->Closed())

       showstats = window->KeyHit(Key::F11) ? !showstats : showstats;
       if (showstats)
           ostringstream fps;
           fps << "FPS: " << Math::Round(Time::UPS());
           context->SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
           context->DrawText("Debug Mode", 2, 2);
           context->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
           context->DrawText(fps.str(), 2, 2);
           context->DrawStats(2, 22);


   return 0;

AV MX Linux

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