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Simple Experience Points & Level System


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I'd thought I would share a basic level system for anyone new (or checking forums search function) could use as a base point to get started.


At the top

--------- Level System ---------
--below is the player level
Script.playerLevel = nil
--below is the players maximum level, I use 99 for this game
Script.playerMaximumLevel = 99
--below is the players starting level
Script.playerStartingLevel = 1

--------- Experience System ---------
--below is the players current experience points
Script.playerExperiencePoints = nil
--below is the players current maximum experience points
Script.playerMaximumExperiencePoints = nil
--below is the players starting experience points
Script.playerStartingExperiencePoints = 0
--below is the players starting maximum experience points
Script.playerStartingMaximumExperiencePoints = 500
--below is the amount of maximum experience points increase multiplier per level up
Script.playerRateExperiencePoints = 2
--below is the calculator for extra experience points after leveling up to make sure it carries over to the next level
Script.playerExtraPoints = 0


Inside the Function Start

--------- SETUP LEVEL & EXP---------
--below we setup our level, experience and maximum experience to match starting values
self.playerLevel = self.playerStartingLevel
self.playerExperiencePoints = self.playerStartingExperiencePoints
self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints = self.playerStartingMaximumExperiencePoints



-- We received EXP (EXP = Experience Points)
-- And if the EXP bar reaches full, then we level up and check the EXP
function Script:PlayerReceiveEXP(expPoints)
    --lets check that we aren't going to die, dead people don't receive exp, lets also check that we are not maximum level
    if self.health > 0 and self.playerLevel < self.playerMaximumLevel then
         --lets check if our experience is less than our maximum experience
         if self.playerExperiencePoints < self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints then
              --if it is, we can add the experience points to our player
              self.playerExperiencePoints = self.playerExperiencePoints + expPoints
         --now lets check if our experience is equal or greater to our maximum experience
         if self.playerExperiencePoints >= self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints then
              --if it is, we need to run a check to calculate the extra experience points
              --also, we need to level up

-- We need to check how much EXP is left
-- After that, we will give the EXTRA EXP back after leveling up
function Script:PlayerCheckEXP()
    --below we calculate our extra experience points after leveling up and set them aside
    self.playerExtraPoints = self.playerExperiencePoints - self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints
    --now we reset our current experience back to 0
    self.playerExperiencePoints = 0
    --now we give the player back just the extra experience points
    --now we reset the extra points set aside back to 0
    self.playerExtraPoints = 0

-- We received a level
-- After that, we increase the maximum EXP allowed
function Script:PlayerReceiveLevel(levelPoints)
    --we need to check that we are not maximum level first
    if self.playerLevel < self.playerMaximumLevel then
         --below we add the level to our player
         self.playerLevel = self.playerLevel + levelPoints
        --now that we have leveled up, below we increase our maximum experience points to get to the next level
         self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints = self.playerMaximumExperiencePoints * self.playerRateExperiencePoints


All you have to do to receive Experience points is point to the Script:PlayerReceiveEXP(expPoints)


So if you kill a monster, or finish a quest, or anything you can say something like self:PlayerReceiveEXP(250) to get 250 experience points, or run the script like self.player.script:PlayerReceiveEXP(250) or however you have it setup.


The reason I personally used the words Player and player in all the names above is because this allows me to know all these functions are specifically for the player so I can have other NPCS/monsters in the game also have their own style of level system and not get it mixed up with the players scripts.

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