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Equal game speed


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I am having trouble getting many different animations and camera settings to have the same speed no matter what the FPS of the game is.


Here is an example of what I am doing at the moment:


--Rotate object
if KeyDown(KEY_E)==1 then
	object:Turn(Vec3(0,obj.Rotation.y + (0.2 / AppSpeed()),0))

elseif KeyDown(KEY_D)==1 then
	object:Turn(Vec3(0,obj.Rotation.y - (0.2 / AppSpeed()) ,0))




Updated values for rotation etc always use a 'divide by AppSpeed() ' to have the same amount rotation no matter what the FPS. What do I need to do here to get the same rotation no matter what the FPS is?

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You need to multiply by AppSpeed(), not divide.

By dividing you only make the FPS speed effect worse :)


And you should also not call UpdateAppTime(), since Framework does that already.

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Thanks for the quick reply Lumooja.


You need to multiply by AppSpeed(), not divide.

ow... well thats just really sad. I have been doing that since I bought LE. lolz


By dividing you only make the FPS speed effect worse :)

Thanks for extra illumination on the matter.


And you should also not call UpdateAppTime(), since Framework does that already.

Did not know that either.


Well learned a lot here today. :) thx again

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I think I have an issue. In c# I used:


            //rotation by mouse
           int mx = Leadwerks.Graphics.Width / 2;
           int my = Leadwerks.Graphics.Height / 2;
           dx = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.X - mx) / 4, dx, (float)(3 / Timing.Time));
           dy = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.Y - my) / 4, dy, (float)(3 / Timing.Time));


I tried to use 0.2 * Timing.Time but I only have a blank screen...

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Blitzmax :)

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And what about animation: i cn share my code (probably its not a new for Aggror, but anyway, it can be usefull for others)


Inside main loop:

float CurrentTime = AppTime();
_deltaTime = (CurrentTime - _elapsedTime) * 0.001f;

Inside animation loop:

_desiredAnimationFPS = _weaponAnimation->GetAnimationSpeed(); 
float dframe = _desiredAnimationFPS * _deltaTime;	
dframe = Clamp(dframe, 0.000, 1.50);
dframe = dframe * ( 1 
	+ 0.6 * (_currentAnimationSegment->getName() == "run")
	+ 0.5 * (_currentAnimationSegment->getName() == "fire"));


In this case, if we need to play animation 20 frames per second and we have 40 fps, we would play 0.5 animation frame per game frame. If we would have 20 game fps, animation would be updated by 1 animation frame per game frame.

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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Hey, you're back :P

How is your IK project? You worked on blending, as i remember?


It's still ongoing and it's getting closer. I've redone my navmesh code to get rid of opensteer and use the new RVO/steering in recast as it handles crowds better.


My character can walk around and place it's feet on the terrain with 80% success. I just need to handle extreme slopes and stairs better.


The blending of idle/walk/runs are now fairly smooth with minimal foot sliding.


There's still plenty of work to be done and it all comes down to how much time I can find. I crashed my rally car this weekend so I need to spend time on repairing that :(

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