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Undo Does Not Refresh Gizmos


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After moving a light, particle emitter, pivot or anything with a gizmo if user does an Undo operation, the movement operation is undone but the gizmo in any of the viewport doesn't get refreshed. It results in not being able to select the object by clicking on the gizmo because object and the gizmo are in different places. User can only select the object from the Scene view and the gizmo moves to the correct position only after that.


Reproduce steps

  1. Open an empty scene
  2. Create a light, particle emitter or pivot
  3. Move the object in any of the viewports
  4. Undo
  5. Press space or an empty position in any of the viewports to de-select the created object
  6. Try to select the object through it's gizmo again, but fail :)
  7. Select the object from the Scene view and see how gizmo moves to the correct position

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