
LUA XBOX 360 Controller templates Free

This item contains templates for the Xbox 360 controller.

Not required the C ++ version. You can play perfectly with the Indie version.

The templates are inserted into the item you want to move (the player).

It currently contains:

- Preconfigured template FPS player ready to play.
- Preconfigured Ball From marble game player ready to play.
- An empty template fully explained with comments for easy interpretation.

The controls are analog, the player will move faster or slower depending on whether you press more or less stick or trigger.
You find the script files in the "Scripts\Objects\Player" folder.

Detailed information and templates with preconfigured scenarios ready to play:

Note: To work you have to insert SDL2.dll and LuaGamePad.dll files in your project folder. You'll find on the link above.

Future upgrades:

- Preconfigured Airplane controller with self-creation of third-person camera.
- Add vibrations.
- Add Linux support.
