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A foray into the life of a Leadwerks Developer

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Leadwerks to Telltale

Hello Leadwerks Community!   In the game industry everyone is always shuffling around between companies as projects reach different stages of development. Since my senior year of college I have been striving to get on board a production team. So, when Telltale offered me a production internship I jumped at the chance.   One of my favorite parts of the transition is that Telltale uses Lua as their scripting language so if I ever run into a production problem that involves scripting I could al

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Native Code Tutorials

Between the release of LE3 and the GDC, life at Leadwerks has been busy to say the least. Now that things have settled down (a little) it is time for something that I have been looking forward to for a while: Tutorials!   At GDC we were constantly talking about the power and flexibility that direct native code programming allows and how users are not locked into only component based programming. But then you look at the example game Darkness Awaits and see only component based programming and

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

If you are used to C++ these are a few strange things that you will find in Lua.

For those of you who are more familiar with C style syntax here are a few oddities that initially threw me off:   The not equals in lua has a tilde self.entity ~= nil   if you want to "not" a boolean you have to use the keyword "not" if not self.target then   All "if" statements you have to do include 3 keywords if, then, end if self.stunned==true then return end   While loops have 3 keywords while, do, end While x < 10 do x = x+1 end   This is what a for

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

The path to becoming a Visual Studios 2010 "Expert"

Much like many jobs, in programming there are tasks that you enjoy working on and then there are the tasks that lack joy and glory but are quite necessary. I recently began moving our project from visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2010 and well I can firmly state that this task fell into the latter category.   After receiving this job, my first step was to jump right into it and use the VS 2008 to 2010 converter wizard. Everything seemed to move smoothly but being a programming pessimist, I

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

The Deer and Teapot

As the summer heat begins to taper off, testing on the new engine has taken the driver seat. My first task when transitioning from particles to QA was something along the lines of "Make a scene with a character and an enemy, then make the character be animated and have the enemy chase the character"   One rectangle primitive, one camera, two character controllers, two models, and 5 Lua scripts later I sat in front of a completed task:     I sat at my desk, looked around, then decided to

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Particle Update: Death to the Nyan Cat & Rise of Real Effects

On the previous episode of the “Leadwerks3D particle show” a Nyan Cat / Colored Printer of Death roamed the land showing off the difference between RGB and HSV color interpolation. Well jump forward to today’s episode and that cat is now dead…or perhaps I should say has matured into a more complex and quite simply cooler particle system.   I’m still not finished with all of my work but here is a quick look at few particle effects I’ve tinkered with:     I'm so disappointed that I don

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Bars, Girls, and...... Videogames?

Like many college students, part of my time at UC Santa Cruz was spent visiting a variety of fine local establishments perusing their beverage assortments and discussing deep philosophical ideals with enlightened patrons.     (Me at an art meeting, the day after a night of enlightenment.)   Okay I’ll admit it, I went to bars and talked to girls (Give me a minute this story is going somewhere relevant). The easiest small talk to make in a college town is to ask someone about the

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Leadwerks can.

Anyone who peruses the forums regularly might have noticed a fresh new intern posting a particle system feature request thread. That intern, who shall remain nameless, was ready to tackle the task of aiding in the creation of a rich particle system that was both powerful and intuitive to users. That was over a month ago… in that time I have been sidetracked with other more important and pertinent tasks but I’m proud to finally admit that the “Super Awesome Chris Particle System of Awesomeness +3

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Leadwerks Visits Sacramento State University

There are two types of days here at Leadwerks; days that we work and those that we werk. On werk days we hunker down at our desks, cups of caffeine in hand, and code (Unless you’re thinking… or pretending to think). Then there are work days, on these days we focus on business development: researching, planning, and occasionally field trips. So to kick off our intern hunt members of Leadwerks grabbed their sack lunches, kissed their monitors farewell, and ventured over to the Sacramento State Uni

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Developers, Bioware, & Leadwerks: The Sacramento Game Developers Meetup

There is only one word to describe the people of the gaming industry: awesome. Maybe it’s because we work on projects we love, maybe it’s the lack of sleep, it could be the countless hours we’ve spent perfecting our twitch reflexes, but I think the bottom line is we are 1337 (It’s probably because of the robe and wizard hat).   This past weekend members of the Leadwerks team journeyed out to the Sacramento Game Developers Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/ to rub elbows with the

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

Hello Leadwerks World

In the recent weeks Leadwerks has leveled up by joining the Sacramento State University Center for Entrepreneurship (CBA) and after much scanning of the talent tree, Leadwerks has recruited a new intern.   With that, I am proud to introduce myself (the intern) to the Leadwerks Community. My name is Chris Vossen, I am a recent graduate from the University of California: Santa Cruz with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science: Computer Game Design. During my senior year, five programmers and

Chris Vossen

Chris Vossen

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