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Storing game data (using sqlite3)

Didn't post here in a long time , this will be about storing game data. There are  a lot of options on how to store your game data structures: files (json,xml,yaml , custom etc) databases , nosql dbs memory (if no persistence needed) Also if you use an engine it could provide its own way of storing data. Choosing a good way to do persistence is important. This depends on lots of factors like game type, complexity of data structures etc   Ill


aiaf in programming

[Example] Pulse text , and some thoughts

2019 was slow year  for my gamedev hobby. Forth community project really has some good original content, i will make sure it gets released in a form or another. Still working on my game when i find the time.   Lurking around and reading about leadwerks 5  progress heh, go Josh! Maybe we get another tournament after Le5 is release Somehow the tournament gives good motivation to make games. Cheers to everyone and a good new year.   Some pulsating text examp



Constanta entry

Entry for tournament is on ? Check game information on link below and tell me this is not an odd game haha. I had  a limited amount of time for this because i go in holiday.Now its done was pretty painful even if i kept things simple , especially the debugging. Has multiplayer , and one way to capture territories. I will continue with this after tournament.   Future plans: Ai clients. Adding more ways to capture territories. Alerts to players so they kno



On how to loose half day

I had a window popping up every time i was closing the game.Error below: Debug Assertion Failed! Expression: __acrt_first_block == header At first i thought is something related to me not deleting all pointers or closing the app the wrong way.So i fix that up same error. More investigating i figure it up that somehow is related to poco libs that i use to connect over tcp.If game exit code was before calling poco there was no exception. More wtf and curses for not being able to wor



Entry progress

Making a multiplayer game about territory conquest, like a board game. The winner will have the most territory. Something like risk but no dice rolls and more simple.   So far i have: A socket server (written in go).This has the territories stored in db. Text communication protocol (using json). For example this is a register packet:  {"t":0, "p":{"name":"test"}} Game client that can select territories (using c++ poco network libraries) Sqlite3 for game da



Visual Studio 2017 'byte': ambiguous symbol

I upgraded to Leadwerks 4.5 beta. And lots of the errors seen below: error C2872: 'byte': ambiguous symbol https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/93889/error-c2872-byte-ambiguous-symbol.html   This worked for me and solved the issue: In Project Properties -> Language -> C/C++ set The C++ Language Standard to  ISO C++14 Standard (/std:c++14)



[Example] Some kind of arrow

Draws a box from one vector to another. To be used as some kind of arrow.   Need feedback if its a better way to do this, but so far seem to be ok for my purposes.   Example usage: ArrowUi *t = new ArrowUi(Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), testshadow->GetModel()->GetPosition());   class ArrowUi { private: Model *model; Entity *pivot; Vec3 from; Vec3 to; float distance; public: ArrowUi(); ArrowUi(Vec3 from, Vec3 to); void From(Vec3 from); void To(Vec3



[Example] Basic missile class

Want to share this maybe will help someone.   Its pretty basic but it has missile effect by distance and at certain time. Should be easy to extend.   trigger the missile:   tm3 = new Missile(Vec3(5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f)); tm2 = new Missile(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), tm3->GetPosition(), true);   and call the Loop method in the game loop   #ifndef __S_MISSILE_H__ #define __S_MISSILE_H__ #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; class Missile { private: Emitter *mem; Materi



Leadwerks and gcc 5.2.1 (regarding c++ abi)

I just updated my laptop to ubuntu 15.10 (from 15.04).   And got into some intereasting issues.   I rebuild my game with the new compiler, and it doesnt link anymore.   I got a bunch of undefined references like below:   undefined reference to `Leadwerks::Window::Create(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int, int, int, int, int)'   This didnt make any sense, the program was linking just fine with the previous ve



Example c++ project with cmake

Just started with Leadwerks.Heres a way to build a c++ project using cmake on linux.   Start from an existing project (lets call it Proj):   Copy ~/.steam/steamapps/common/Leadwerks into Source/Libs. Now you have Proj/Source/Libs/Leadwerks (this directory contains all the header files and static libs needed).   Can use this Libs dir to add any other external libs you need.   Here is the CMakeLists.txt: https://github.com/aiafrasinei/lep.git   Copy to the root of the project. cmake



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