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KBU, FCR mode logic




First screen-shot of a quickly put together KBU (keyboard unit). This is a flat 2D image you click on, taken from the texture used in the cockpit. I wanted to see how good/bad it looked since we don't have time to develop a 3D one.





fcr_logic_update_2.jpgClicking on Air Surv will abort current FCR operation

and switch to an active air scan (air surv mode)

The keyboard command list is looking horrible if you want full control over this. The shot cut keys work fine however. I made some tweaks to the heading tape symbols and the Air Surveillance Mode has been adjusted according to recent feedback posted. No sweep indicator is displayed (? is that correct) but the radar is still active. And not NTS or targeting is available. This mode is not available if either crew station has FCR as the selected sight. Either crewman selecting FCR or cycling through HMD/TADS/FCR will cancel this mode.


I made attempts to smooth out the logic for simple joystick control so you can hot key from mode to mode.





FCR Scan and FCR Scan burst will cancel each other out with immediate effect, no waiting for a scan cycle to complete (which is what it did before).


I'll adjust the scale of the FOR box shortly. The dot isn't active yet, will fix that shortly and then I'll correct the cue dots in the HMD,


That will be as much time as I want to spend on the FCR. I think it's not too shabby and does nearly everything it needs to do for now. Completing the command list for the sensors now means I can finish the default control setup for new installations.


For full control on a joystick you need 3 hats minimum.


  • 4 Way Sight Select (HMD, TADS, FCR)
  • 4 Way FCR Mode Select (GTM, ATM, other to come)
  • 4 Way FCR Footprint Set (Zoom, Wide, Medium, Narrow)

There are also keys assigned to FCR Mode Cycle Up/Down to keep the control count down on smaller sticks.


As always if I've got it wrong then please leave some feedback however I'm unlikely to embark on any more major changes for now. Quite pleased with the detail and how it works.






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