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LUA CPP "how to" 5/7




4) How to call an entity's script LUA function passing parameters


following code is some what weird but you only have to pay attention on a few things


the idea is Push the parameters in the order they are declared in the lua function (from left to right)

and pay attention in the Interpreter:Invoke method. You have to set the first parameter (number of staked values) one more of the amount of parameters passed.


consider the following LUA function:


function Script:turnMe(turn)
  System:Print("calling me from C")


note that "turn" is a Vec3 variable


so you have to push the correct type of variable to lua stack and then tell Interpreter::Invoke that there are 2 things on the stack (as the code explains, one is always present: thank's Josh for that beautiful piece of code!)


here is a generic function to call any LUA script function that has one parameter of type Vec3:

bool call_turnMe(Entity* e, string funcName, Vec3 vec3){

  if (e->component == NULL) return false;
  bool success = false;

  //Get the component table
  int stacksize = Interpreter::GetStackSize();

  //Get the global error handler function
  int errorfunctionindex = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
  errorfunctionindex = Interpreter::GetStackSize();

  Interpreter::GetField("script"); //test if entity has a script
  if (Interpreter::IsTable())
    System::Print(" entity has script");
    if (Interpreter::IsFunction()) //test if funcName is a function
      System::Print(" " + funcName + " defined");
      Interpreter::PushValue(-2); //Push script table onto stack
      Interpreter::PushVec3(vec3); //we only pass one variable but stack has one more
#ifdef DEBUG
  errorfunctionindex = -(Interpreter::GetStackSize() - errorfunctionindex + 1);
      success = Interpreter::Invoke(2, 0, errorfunctionindex); // send 2 params, receive none (next tut for receive parameters)
  Interpreter::SetStackSize(stacksize); //keep stack under control



Interpreter has a nice amount of pushes:


pushAABB, pushFloat, pushInt, pushString, pushCObject, pushObject, pushBool, pushNull,

pushMat3, pushMat4, pushVec2, pushVec3, pushVec4, pushValue


just remember: push parameters with the correct type and in order in which they was declared in the LUA function.


next tut, show how to pass 3 ints and receive a float, and also show how to receive more than one value from a lua script, because Return in lua may contain a list of values.


that's it


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Oh, this one is very nice. I didn't realize how to call entity script functions. I've been calling global functions all the time. This is very handy! Ty.


Now if only we could pin stuff like this :(

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have to admit that i learn it that yesterday! :)

now i'm cleaning the app before post the "allincluded" one with tolua++ examples also.

i'm very happy with the new knowledge so i decided to post it, before it get lost on my mind... and my machine!

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