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Introducing Swords and Skellies




I just uploaded Swords and Skellies to the Asset Store in the Games section.




This game release represents the first milestone in the larger project I have in mind. Creating such a simplistic game serves as a mechanism for advancing understanding of game coding, asset management, and engine usage. That is not to say it was simple. There were quite a few challenges when throwing this together. There were also major accomplishments:

  • Developing and implementing a sandbox scene.
  • Developing a 3rd person player controller.
  • Developing a non-player character controller.
  • Incorporating 3D art assets.
  • Incorporating animations.
  • Rudimentary GUI.

I have several next steps in mind. Of course, I will be fixing some of the more egregious bugs that are found. But also, I need to do some major code optimization. The program is bloated and performance is terrible for what it is. I also need to go back and do some better documentation. There are already places in the code I have found that I am puzzled by what I was thinking. To help with this step, I'm going to pick up two of the more recommended C++ books available:

Looking forward I have a list of the next features I want to be adding to the game. On the technical side:

  • SQLite for game settings and entity management.
  • A real installer.
  • A release version as opposed to debugging version.
  • A* pathfinding for the skeletons.

On the gameplay side of things:

  • More levels and sandbox maps.
  • An overhead minimap feature.
  • RPG fight sequence (as opposed to pac-man mechanics).
  • Wizard character.
  • Simple networking for head to head competition.

Eventually, I plan to get a page going on indiedb.com. But that may be a ways in the future. Let me know what you guys think of what I have so far.

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Nice to see more demos!!!


I haven't played the game yet but will download it now.


One thing that just jumped out at me from reading your blog post above here was the gameplay side next steps. As I'm going down the list everything seemed reasonable, then I read the last entry and it punched me in the face :D


That in itself is a giant task when compared to the other tasks in your list. You could break that into a couple smaller tasks. A login mechanism, in itself when you look start looking at security isn't trivial. Simple online movement of characters could be another one and will take time. Stuff like that might help break that 1 giant task into a more manageable task.

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