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World of Warcraft - Blizzard has internal leakage




Just wanted to report this to the blogosphere. I'm not a Wow player (I have an account but I don't play very often) but my wife friends across several raiding guilds play from time to time.



They've all been subjected to hacks. And I think the leak is at Blizzard.



Over the past few weeks, everbody we know, including friends of friends have had their accounts hacked. Including mine, which was inactive, but had an "authenticator" (a hardware device that generates a new 6 digit number every minute). I presume when my account (that was inactive as it wasn't used) was hacked, they didn't take anything as I guess they didn't want to pay money to reactivate it. But they did attach one of these authenticators to it. And I'm not the only one.



Once again, this morning a friend had his entire account hacked and cleaned out the family guild bank. In the years I've know people who play there's been a slow increase of attempts and successful account hijackings, but just in the last few months that rate is off the scale. I've never know so many, so fast. And there's no commonality in the people I questioned, everyone I've talked to knows someone who has been effected recently.



On this scale I can only conclude that Activision Blizzard has someone working in the organisation leaking account details or a client list has been compromised in some way.



You only have to check out YouTube about GM hacks to see how bad things are.


So I'd recommend deactivating your wow accounts or use an authenticator until they decide to do something about this.









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I haven't played WoW in a while. Will probably reactivate my account with the new exp to check it out, but in the 3 years I've played I did get hacked once. They were able to restore my stuff so it wasn't that major, but at the time when you see your naked character you sort of freak out. The stuff you get in WoW obviously has no real value, but it does represent your time, and when it's all gone it means all that time was gone. Well that's the way it feels. Really all that time was the experience of the game, but people tend to make the virtual gear what it's all about.


I was in a raiding guild once with a guy who put it well I think. He said "If I could raid in greens I would". Basically the fun part about raiding is the battle and working with so many other people to accomplish a goal. Defeating the boss with a fun group of people would be all the reward I need.

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"The stuff you get in WoW obviously has no real value"


not true :blink: lots of people are selling things for real money. In-game game cards, golds, accounts, items ... whatever .. what a gambling, lol

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lol very true wh1sp3r. I forgot about that. Well let's say to normal non illegal people those objects have no value. :blink:

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