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Vertex coloring ( and extended to multi material )


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Could it be terrain or models, Vertex Coloring could be interesting as data is on vertex only , so small amount of data very light compared to textures.


And better could be used to set the amount of blending of two textures for example.



This can help a lot for example to paint some baked shadows, or simply make any variation of color in some terrain or in walls of a building model , just storing vertex color data.





Instead of coloring, Vertex system could eb extended to control how is multitextured or multi material on a model, great to make unique variations, with super small data as it is Vertex only.


Great for building walls , you make 4 walls , put same basic concrete material, than assing another dirt or cracks material, than just paint in unique vertex of your building where you want dirt or cracks.












Well idea For Leadwearks 4 :)

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Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you, but that should be possible already. Leadwerks passes the vertex color already go the shader (uniform vec4 vertex_color). By default it is mixed into the diffuse color, but the shader could use it for something else.


Of course, you would have to define the vertex colors for your model in your modeling program first.

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I don't think vertex color is needed actually as shaders works on pixels.


Well for vertex coloring to give it possible even to non 3D artists, the best would be another LE3 tool for that purpose or possibility to paint vertex colors in the model editor.

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The fragment shader might work on pixels, but everything before it works on vertices. You define vertex colors in your modeling program, and they are interpolated for the fragments by the rasterizer, just like everything else.


I don't think LE should provide tools for vertex coloring, that's really the domain of DCC tools.

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