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Hilarious. I actually did interview at Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, but by that point I viewed entering the medical profession as suicide. If a few things about it were different, it would be fantastic, but as it is I think it is a really bad deal. I have heard so many MDs say they wish they had gone into business or engineering or anything else. They try to sell you this idea that you are serving a higher purpose. You're not supposed to be in it for the money, but the hospital and administration certainly are. If a patient is getting treated by a resident making $50,000 a year, they don't get a discount on their hospital bill. Reality is they want cheap labor that doesn't make a fuss. I mean, if I said I was going to pay the workers at my McDonald's $2.75/hr. because I only wanted people who really loved working at McDonald's, you would see right through my pretense.


I wonder who even owns that site? :)

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I cant believe you started with DB and you was the one who made inca! Back in my DB days i tried that a few times wondering how i could make the equivelent! Never managed it!


Learn somthing new everyday!



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