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  1. Past hour
  2. 0.9.6 Fixed alpha cutoff not working correctly. Requires a shader update, currently only works in editor. Fixed directional lights not casting shadows on brushes in editor.
  3. Today
  4. 0.9.6 Initial implementation of the new foliage system is available. To use it, create a terrain, select the foliage tool, and add a new layer. Sync your project to get the new mesh layer shaders. Slope and height constraints currently have no effect. Mesh layers are not yet saved in maps. Collision and ray casting (picking) are not yet implemented. Imposters are not yet implemented. LOD and multiple variations within a layer (sublayers) are supported.
  5. Was it a reply to your showcase thread?
  6. I clicked Hide on a post I made earlier, purely on accident, but now I don't see anyway to unhide it lol. It was to long a post to simply retype. Any advice ? ty
  7. ( UAGC ) - WorkLog #4 Introduction to the combat system. The controller will consist of four combat styles, Hand to hand, melee, ranged and magic. When no weapons or combat items are active in either primary or the off-hand, the system will fallback to the hand to hand combat mode. This mode consists of punches, kicks and martial arts style combat. The mode is heavy configurable and offers enough options to customize for any type of game play, including simulations to arcade hack-n-slash styles. The system is based of user input, left mouse button = left hand usage while the right mouse button operates anything in the players right hand. So for example, if the player has no items equipped in either hand than the system will assume martial arts style combat whenever the left or right mouse button is clicked. Combos - Combos can be preformed by stringing along a certain pattern of left to right attacks within a predetermined amount of time. You may configure as many or as little ( none ) combo attacks as you like. I have made it easy to define combo attacks: In the header of each attack style module you will find a section that looks like this: --->> Combos h2h_combos = {} h2h_combos[1] = "111" h2h_combos[2] = "1211" h2h_combos[3] = "2211" This is the combo table for that combat style ( in this case Hand to hand ). 1 represents the Left Mouse button, while 2 represents the Right Mouse button. So for example, when the player clicks the LMB for a combo timer starts, if the player completes the combo by clicking the left mouse button 2 more times within the time frame - h2h_combos[1] will occur. Each combo move has a unique animation and attack move, as well as a sound. There are 10 distinctive animations for combo's. If you declare more than 10 combo attacks then the system will start the animation count back at 1. So combo 11 would actually be combo 1 animation and so forth. Particles will be added once the game engine matures further. 'Damage done' can be defined per combo attack as well. Damage is calculated ( base damage + combo damage + player level ) - ( contingent value ) * ( weapons defined critical hit determiner ).
  8. So it is. Thanks. It's not in the docs by the way.
  9. It's actually in there already. extern bool SetFileTime(const WString& path, const uint64_t timestamp);
  10. Fixed terrain vertex shader for non-one scales.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Replaced mouse tool menu items and hotkeys with a single menu item called "Next Tool" that can be activated with Shift + Tab. Vertex mouse tool will now make the selected vertex or edge snap to the nearest grid point. Terrain creation properties changed a little bit. Default terrain scale now set to 1.28, for easy brush alignment.
  13. That would be good. Something like Texture::RemoveMipMap() maybe? Would also be cool if you didn't have to restart the game for it to take effect. You would probably need access to a list of materials to loop through... maybe. Or maybe the user should add there materials to their own list so they can identify what textures should be changed and what shouldn't be.
  14. This is currently not a supported feature, but I am not opposed to adding it. It will just require a little extra care because Ultra has a lot more options when it comes to image handling.
  15. SetFileTime() would be nice to have. I want to be able to convert a file to DDS and then set the DDS file to the creation date / time of the source file. That way when I run my converter again it won't re-convert the source file unless it is newer than the already existing converted DDS file.
  16. How do games mange the texture resolution that's used in game? In the options menu you sometimes have the ability to change the texture detail from Low to High. I guess all it's doing is using a different resolution per setting. For example; LOW 512x512 MEDIUM 1024x1024 HIGH 2048x2048 ULTRA 4096x4096 I'm wondering if it's possible for everything to have 4K textures, but maybe on game load / restart you could remove the higher resolution mip-maps via code depending on the setting? Surely they can't have 4 copies of each texture, that'd be an insane hard drive guzzler.
  17. Andy90

    PBR Bug

    This could also an bug from the model it self. Another model is working fine.
  18. https://www.ultraengine.com/community/topic/64026-tags-and-prefabs/ This must be a new bug, as it is wreaking havoc on my initialization routines.
  19. Ah so it needs to be a float then.
  20. Yeah, in one of my projects I made a wrapper for them. I called them CastToScreen and CastToWorld. Naming them to show what they do will help.
  21. For some reason child entitys from mdl models dont have any tags. Even if they are assigned within the editor.
  22. Andy90

    PBR Bug

    In this model the pbr dont get loaded correct. Whit windows 3D view everything looks fine Blue.zip
  23. According to my discord post i upload here the model where the problemm happens. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqW0j6to9H0XicAe3CFlseViVGf46UN1/view?usp=sharing
  24. Josh

    Multiple Sublayers

    The main idea of the new foliage system is that multiple sub-layers can be used to randomly choose different models to place for each instance. This allows you to automatically paint a variety of objects onto the scene, without them overlapping.
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