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Painting Dungeons

Rekindled Phoenix



The concept is simple: give a player paintbrush that will draw dungeons, cities, and dangers. What type of world would they create, and how detailed would their worlds be? The project will allow each user to collaborate by building their own realms, forming adventures for other players through this advanced tool set.


The new game in development is called "Dungeon Painter 3D".



These semi-transparent blobs are actually the beginnings for one of the first dungeons created with this real-time paint tool. Expect video updates, public alphas, and additional features that will give the public the chance for feedback.








Progress so far:

- Core algorithms

- Basic Dungeon models


Up next... textures, stalagmites, and treasure!

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Recommended Comments

This is cool. :P

You will do the models in a modular way?

And how do you plan to let the user paint floors, walls and choose a specific type of it or let users paint on the Z-Axis too. At the moment its like a Castle Wolfenstein 3D painter. :P

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This is awesome! I totally agree with your point on User generated content. But even besides that, It looks great! Keep up the good work!

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There is a Dungeon game like this on Steam. Can't remember the name but it looks really cool so I think people love the idea! Will be cool to see this in action.

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This is cool. :DYou will do the models in a modular way?And how do you plan to let the user paint floors, walls and choose a specific type of it or let users paint on the Z-Axis too. At the moment its like a Castle Wolfenstein 3D painter. biggrin.png


Yup, the models in the video are modular! Similar to the ones in a previous post shown here: http://bit.ly/zxVk7O The algorithms allow for hundreds of levels using the z-axis, as a type of "pseudo" voxel generation, all using a handful of models.


I want this on my iPad!


I plan on making this mobile compatible smile.png




Thanks to everyone for the comments!

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It will be "Dungeon Creator" :D


It would be cool later to have some parameters like :

- walls height

- type of corners : more or less squarry, or mor or less rounded


For the texturing, i don't knwo if it would be possible to have some floor texture, and walls textures ? (perhaps ceilling textures also ?)

I suppose by code your generator knows what is floor and where walls begins ?


Another way could be for the user to specify or choose some base mesh used to create the walls , that could be complicated less or more ?

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Looks to be a awosome idea I wish you luck in bringing it forth into the world.

Is it just for making dungeons or will there be character and monster creation aswell?

Awosome either way.

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It would be cool later to have some parameters like :

- walls height

- type of corners : more or less squarry, or mor or less rounded


I actually have three different sized walls that are specified by the paintbrush. Each brush will determine the theme, like forests, housing, or caves. The smallest of sizes (which will be revealed in a future video) is actually a tunnel algorithm.


Looks to be a awosome idea I wish you luck in bringing it forth into the world.

Is it just for making dungeons or will there be character and monster creation aswell?

Awosome either way.


Since this projects is such a daunting task and I am only at the beginning of the project, I have yet to decide on whether enemies will be dynamic, custom, or preset collections.

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